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Could You Lose Consciousness When You’re Out Today?

What if you were accidentally treated for the wrong condition?

Who uses an SOS Talisman medical bracelet or necklace?

They are particularly recommended for those with these and many other medical conditions:

Diabetes, asthma, anticoagulant dependency, bleeding or clotting disorders, adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s disease), Alzheimer’s, steroid dependency, epilepsy, nut & food allergies, tetanus allergy, drug allergies, pacemaker, cardiac valves etc, anitbiotic allergies, haemodialysis: kidney failure, dementia, inability to communicate and many more. They are also very popular with those enjoying sports and outdoor pursuits.

The capsule is made of two metal halves which screw together to securely encase your vital Information Strip. The case is watertight and heat resistant so you are protected at all times.
 Your SOS Talisman™ is an attractive yet functional piece of jewellery and offers the most reliable, immediate and flexible way to alert medics to your most important medical conditions and medications available today.

These clever little SOS bracelets for men and women are proven over decades, worn by thousands, and recommended by health professionals – and can alert medical emergency staff and doctors to your most pressing issues without the delay of waiting to be connected with a remote computer.

“An SOS Talisman can speak for you if you are unable to communicate”

Your problem is this: – you are unconscious and you need to alert doctors and paramedics to absolutely the correct medicine or procedure; and in the shortest possible time.
Time must not be wasted while a number of checks are undertaken to arrive at a diagnosis; or while a third party is contacted by mobile phone or computer, which is typically the case if you are wearing medical id tag jewellery.
It is vital that you are diagnosed instantly and accurately, as a mis-diagnosis could be life-threatening, or even fatal.Does this describe a frightening situation that you could find yourself in?
The hidden secret is that inside every Talisman is a unique, special Information Strip made of non-soluble paper. The information strip is 12 inches (30.5cm) long, waterproof, and stores all your vital medical data on both sides!
With the SOS Talisman™ system, your most vital medical issues are carried with you at all times in a special capsule and written in permanent (waterproof) ink on virtually indestructible waterproof paper.
This is superior to a medical id tag in that significantly more medical data is immediately available in a crisis.
Why do so many doctors and health professionals recommend the SOS Talisman™ system?
It’s because unlike other systems, there are no ongoing costs: you will pay no annual fee for maintaining your details on a computer or operator controlled telephone number as all your details are immediately available within the capsule; and you can update your information yourself at any time.
Avoid a life-threatening mis-diagnosis:
Your vital medical details are safely hidden away inside the special capsule on your unique SOS Talisman™ Information Strip. This means that your crucial information is immediately available in an emergency – reliable, practical and very discreet.
Your data is not engraved on a piece of metal or held on a computer somewhere. So when your personal details or medication change over time, as they almost always do, you simply complete another (very inexpensive) Information Strip, pop it inside the capsule, and carry on as before!

* Please beware of similar products which you may find on auction sites and elsewhere – if they do not have both the words “SOS” and “Talisman” engraved on them, they are imitations.  We only supply and support genuine SOS Talisman products.


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